You’ve read the Dryad’s Crown.
What’s next?

I have good news for you. The story will continue.

Just keep in mind that the dates listed below are tentative and highly optimistic. It’s possible that release dates will get moved around as the overall story evolves and expands. I’m hoping each novel will take a year to write, edit, and release, but that’s a “best case scenario” estimate. Ultimately, the quality of my work is the priority. And the schedule can change based on the edits or the availability of my editor.

More information will be posted to this page, once I have it—covers, story descriptions, official release dates, ordering information, all that good stuff.

2024 | War of the Hounds

Based on Shakespeare’s Henry V

Bren Caius is a living legend, the greatest warrior of her age, but her legacy has been largely fabricated by desperate people in need of a champion.

As high general of Amon, she has grown weary of her role commanding a dwindling army against Kret Bonebreaker’s legion. Bren Caius must lead her soldiers to victory while also contending with a disloyal advisor, a mysterious prophet, the cruel ambitions of nobles, and the ghosts from her past.

The fate of Amon comes down to a single epic battle—one of fire, steel, and magic. Can Bren stand against the darkness and become the hero she’s expected to be?

Told by a group of traveling actors, War of the Hounds is the story of Bren’s greatest triumph and most heartbreaking failure. It’s about the brutal truth of the battlefield and the lies hidden on stage.

2025 | The Summer Sword

2026 | Barber and the Blade

2027 | The Wild Throne

2028 | Guildmaster

2029 | Untitled seventh novel

2030 | Untitled eighth novel